Birth: May 11th, 1915 in Atlanta GA – Death: March 7th 2004
Billie Sunday Hester, named after Billie Sunday, who was very active in Prohibition back in the day, and Billie Hester was as well, to an extent, he didn’t want any liquor in his shop, he didn’t mind working on a “trip car” but it had to be unloaded before it was brought to him. Hester started out from meager beginnings and thru family wound up opening the Cherokee Garage in Atlanta, and the rest is history. As any racer who was any good had his car in the Cherokee Garage at one time or another, but it was Gober Sosebee who really found a home there. Along with Jerry Wimbish and Charlie Mincey. One of the true pioneers of the sport Billie Hester,
- 1925 – At age 10, began working as Atlanta mechanic relining brakes for Model T’s.
- 1935 – Opened first “Cherokee Garage” in rural Cherokee County
- 1949 – Began building racers for greats Gober Sosebee and Jerry Wimbish
- 1950 – 51 – With Gober Sosebee, won two Daytona Beach championships
- 1952 – 55 – Built winners for several drivers including Hall of Fame inductee Charlie Mincey